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Stage 2 Swimming Journey

From 3 years – 10 metres distance

Kaia is developing her stroke and now travelling using front crawl and a recognised leg kick. She also practises jumping in safely unaided.
What a star!

Kicking on back, board on knees

Float on back for 5, front for 5, back for 5

Kick on back, board on knees, focussing on proper turn around, grab the wall

‘Backstroke-Kick, Kick, Kick, Pull’ with board, roll and grab the wall in-between

‘Backstroke-Kick, Kick, Kick, Pull’ with board, focussing on arms

Superman, focussing on pushing off wall into glide, bubbles and kicking

Working on underwater confidence

‘Backstroke-Kick, Kick, Kick, Pull’ with board

Picking up sinker from floor and pushing back up to surface

Float on back for 5, front for 5, back for 5

Front noodle races, to work on rhythmical breathing, whilst kicking quickly

Back noodle races, to work on proper push off, head position, and grabbing wall at end

Superman with board, working on rhythmical breathing

Front Speedboat with the board and noodle, putting rhythmical breathing and kicking together

Cheesy sandwich, with proper push off and grabbing at the end

 Safety jump into the pool, turn around and grab the wall, then safe monkey walking on wall

Singing in the jacuzzi

Swimming underwater with daddy

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