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Swimming Journey Posts

Kaia – Stage 4 autumn update

Kaia – Stage 4 autumn update

Stage 4 Swimming Journey Kaia making wonderful progress in this autumn 2022 update Kaia is now learning all strokes with a proper push & glide as well as learning how to roll from her back to her front and visa versa in one continuous movementBack pillow with...

Reaping the rewards of swimming

Reaping the rewards of swimming

Reaping the rewards of swimming The sea, the holiday pool, and even wild water Kaia and Tau are progressing beautifully through the stages and their learning is being rewarded as they confidently enjoy swimming in differently places.Holiday water park swimming and...

Kaia – Stage 4

Kaia – Stage 4

Stage 4 Swimming Journey Progressing from 20m to 25m Metre distance Kaia is now developing all four strokes, working on her breathing side to side, learning to dive in, and is getting confident with her push and glides.Front crawl with roll float practising breathing...

Baby 2 – Tau’s swimming journey

Baby 2 – Tau’s swimming journey

Baby Tau's Swimming Journey Months 10 to 18 Watch Tau, Cindy & Mark's son, develop his water confidence and swimming skills during the Baby 2 stage of Cindy's Swim School.Baby swim kick to toy and bring backRow row your boat on the big float and underwater to...

Baby 1 – Tau’s Swimming Journey

Baby 1 – Tau’s Swimming Journey

Baby Tau's Swimming Journey Months 2 to 10 Meet Tau, Cindy & Mark's son, and watch his progress from first days in the pool through to grabbing the noodle and float for himself! Submerged push to teacherThe wheels on the bus, practicing our kickingPouring water...

Kaia – Stage 3

Kaia – Stage 3

Stage 3 Swimming Journey From 4 years - 15 Metre distance Kaia is now developing her kicks on both her front and her back, diving for sinkers as well as having a lot of fun!Kicking on back, board on kneesKicking on back, no board!Kick, kick, kick pull Backstroke with...

Kaia – Stage 2 COVID

Kaia – Stage 2 COVID

Stage 2 Swimming Journey - COVID From 3 years - 10 metre distance Covid disrupted so much, but Kaia kept going from strength to strength, even if her teachers looked a little funny with visors on! Here she practises back stroke and gets really good at...

Kaia – Stage 2

Kaia – Stage 2

Stage 2 Swimming Journey From 3 years - 10 metres distance Kaia is developing her stroke and now travelling using front crawl and a recognised leg kick. She also practises jumping in safely unaided. What a star!Kicking on back, board on kneesFloat on back for 5, front...

Kaia – Stage 1

Kaia – Stage 1

Stage 1 Swimming Journey From 3 years - 5 metre distance With a love for water and a good foundation in place, Kaia is ready to grow in her water confidence and the basic skills needed to build her swimming ability.Practice proper position for kicking Back float, push...

Baby 2 – Kaia’s Swimming Journey

Baby 2 – Kaia’s Swimming Journey

Baby 2 Swimming Journey Months 10 to 18 Watch Kaia, Cindy & Mark's daughter, develop her water confidence and swimming skills during the Baby 2 stage of Cindy's Swim School. Pushing off wall on noodle, catch toy and bring back Push to wall and hold wall Safety...

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