Stage 3 Swimming Journey
From 4 years – 15 Metre distance
Kaia is now developing her kicks on both her front and her back, diving for sinkers as well as having a lot of fun!
Kick, kick, kick pull Backstroke with no board
Kick, kick, kick pull Backstroke, working on straight arm
Back speedboat with board, mom is multitasking
Back pillow into front pillow, with board
Back speedboat into front speedboat, with sinker
Kick, kick, kick pull Backstroke, with proper grabbing the wall – 2 lengths!
Mom explaining Kick, kick, kick pull Backstroke
Verbalising Kick, kick, kick pull Backstroke in action!
13 Years of Cindy’s Swim School
Cindy started Cindy's Swim School in 2011 and has now had 13 amazing years, so here are Cindy's very own 13 favourite things from the last 13 years! Our charity onesie swim in 2013! Cindy's Swim School's first branded caps and tops! Our first gala in 2013!...
How Long Does it Take to Learn How to Swim?
Ever wondered how long it really takes to learn to swim? It doesn't matter whether you’re a child or an adult, the truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Learning to swim is a journey that's unique to each individual, influenced by factors like comfort in the...
Newborn Swimming Lessons – Everything you need to know
Are you wondering whether you can take a newborn to baby swimming classes? You may be surprised to learn that babies can enjoy the water as a newborn and there are countless benefits to starting early. From stretching limbs to building muscle and coordination to...