Baby 2 Swimming Journey
Months 10 to 18
Watch Kaia, Cindy & Mark’s daughter, develop her water confidence and swimming skills during the Baby 2 stage of Cindy’s Swim School.
Catching toys and returning them to wall
Push off wall, catching toys and returning them to wall
Whooshing, submersion into back float – Kaia not loving it!
Monkey walk, pick up sinkers, Speedboat to mommy
Push off wall, catching toys, returning back to wall
Catch toys, whilst holding noodle
Safety jump with Daddy
Push off wall on noodle, to catch toys
Pushing off wall to Daddy
Pushing to wall and grabbing
Speedboat to wall and grabbing
Speedboat from mat to wall and grabbing
Speedboat from wall to mat
Loving Row, Row, Row!
Speedboat off mat to the wall
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom to the wall
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom back
Back float 5 counts
Whooshing into submersion into back float
Float for 5 counts
Back kicking on noodle, push off the wall
Kicking on back, cheesy sandwich exercise
Kaia licking the wall whilst doing monkey walking
Submerge to sinker, then Speedboat to Daddy
Monkey walk to sinker
Speedboat with sinker
Speedboat to step, climb out the pool
Push off wall, kick, push off wall, kick!
whooshes into back floats
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