Swimming Stages & Certificates
Swimming stage progression
Discover how we celebrate our students’ successes in the swimming pool with Cindy’s Swimming Stars!

Baby Stage Progression
Our baby swimming lessons are designed for tiny ones from 2 months through to toddlers at 24 months.
At each stage completed our little swimmers are proudly presented with a badge and swimming certificate to mark their achievements.
Baby 1
Baby 1 lessons are ideal for babies aged from 2 months to ten months. Check out our baby 1 swimming journey to show you what our little swimmers do.
Stage achievements
- Make a supervised safe entry with adult support.
- Kick 2 metres on the back with adult support.
- Float on the back with adult support behind the head.
- Attempt to/blow bubbles at the water surface.
- Vertical submersion from Name, Ready, Go (NRG).
- Travel with a noodle, without assistance, 2 metres to a floating object.
- Submersion from mat to adult with NRG, (Row, Row, Row).
- Full submersion into Back float for 5 counts
- Push baby from wall to adult 1 metre, with NRG.
Badge & certificate
Baby 2
Baby 2 lessons are designed for 10 to 18 months. See our Baby 2 swimming journey here to see what little ones do.
Badge & certificate
*NRG = Name, Ready, Go
- Make a sitting entry with adult support.
- Blow bubbles for a distance of 2 metres.
- Using a noodle, rotate through 180 degrees, unaided.
- Move 5 metres doing ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ along the rail or wall without assistance.
- Travel 2 metres kicking legs on front, unaided.
- Travel 2 metres kicking legs on back, unaided.
- Submerge the face with confidence.
- Push off wall into Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, holding board well and kicking.
- Jumping in and turning round to grab wall, holding for 1, 2, 3.
- Push from adult to wall, 1 metre, holding on for 1, 2, 3.
- Full submersion into Back float for 5 counts.
- Need to keep cap and goggles on for 1 exercise
- Swim 1 length of Front Speedboat, with adult support
- Submersion from mat to wall, holding 1, 2, 3 with NRG, (Row, Row, Row)
Baby 3
Baby 3 lessons are designed for toddlers aged 18 to 24 months. See our Baby 3 swimming journey here to see what little ones do.
Stage achievements
*NRG = Name, Ready, Go
*SB = Speedboat
- Make a safety jump to an adult, turn around and grab the wall. Aided/unaided.
- Do ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ along rail/wall unaided. Pick up sinker from step/teacher, then push front SB to adult. Adult then to push toddler to wall.
- Swim 1 length Front SB with board and noodle, blowing bubbles with face in the water for 5 counts.
- Pushing into pool, swim Superman for 1 length, blowing bubbles for 5 counts, aided.
- Push from wall into a Back Float, then on front, then on back, for 5 counts each.
- Pushing into pool with Front SB arms, do ‘Humpty Dumpty’ to wall, then push back on back, turning and grabbing the wall and holding for 5 counts.
- Swim Back Pillow, 1 length, un/aided, roll and grab wall, holding for 5 counts.
- Swim ‘Cheesy Sandwich’, 1 length, un/aided, roll and grab wall, holding for 5 counts.
- Swim on back, statue arms, roll and grab wall, holding for 5 counts.
- Swim to steps and walk out pool safely, aided/unaided.
Badge & certificate
Learn to swim
Stage Progression
What Great Swimming!
From pre-school children through to teenage, we love to celebrate our Learn to Swim students’ successes. It’s so important to recognise achievements and motivate our young swimmers to keep going!
Each stage comprises both distance and stage requirements. The aim is for swimmers to complete a distance or stage requirement at the end of each term.
Read on to see what’s expected at each swimming stage.
Stages 1-3
Learn to Swim lessons start from 2 years old. At the early stages of Learn to Swim, all children are given the ‘famous’ orange silicon cap to wear. Then, as they graduate to Stage 4 and beyond, they wear a different colour cap for each stage.
Stage 1 | 5 Metres
Stage 1
Swimmers will first aim for 5m distance and then progress to Stage 1. Please click on the badges to see the set requirements.
5M Distance Requirements
- Enter the water safely – roll over onto tummy and slide in slowly, or sit on the step nicely.
- Kick on front 5 metres face in the water, blowing bubbles with noodle.
- Kick on back 10 metres with noodle – unaided.
- Kick on back with board on tummy 10 metres – aided.
- Swim back Pillow 5 metres – aided.
- Move sideways 5 metres, monkey walking – unaided.
- Blow bubbles with whole face in water for at least 1 count rhythmically.
- Be at ease with water showered from over-head, or jump into water with face submersion – aided.
- Push from step into a stretched front star fish using noodle or teacher – must obtain a flat body position and blow bubbles for 5 counts (face in preferable).
- Push from step into a back star fish for 5 counts, then regain an upright position – aided (noodle or teacher).
- Take part in a teacher led group game.
- Demonstrate an understanding of pool rules.
- Exit the water safely, doing hands, elbows, knees – aided.
Stage 1 Requirements
- Star fish float from back-front-back for 5 counts, pushing from wall/step – as unaided as possible.
- Star fish float from front-back-front for 5 counts, pushing from step – as unaided as possible.
- Swim 5 metres front Speedboat – either push from step or push from out the pool.
- Swim 5 metres on back, arms by side or starfish arms – from wall.
- Swim on back 10 metres – with board on tummy, knees or back pillow.
- Swim back Pillow 10 metres, aided.
- Swim Superman exercise, aided
- Exit the water safely, doing hands, elbows, knees – aided.
Stage 2 | 10 Metres
Stage 2
Stage 2 swimmers work towards a 10m distance certificate and then the Stage 2 certificate. Please click on a badge to read the set requirements.
10M Distance Requirements
- Jump in from poolside, turn around and grab the wall – preferably unaided.
- Star fish float on back-front-back for 5 counts, pushing from wall – as unaided as possible.
- Star fish float on front-back-front for 5 counts, pushing from wall – as unaided as possible.
- Push from wall into glide on back, arms by side.
- Swim back Pillow 10 metres – unaided.
- Swim on back, board on tummy (cheesy) 10 metres – unaided.
- Swim on back, board on knees 10 metres – preferably unaided.
- Swim on back, arms by side 10 metres – preferably unaided.
- Swim back Speedboat with board 10 metres, unaided.
- Swim 10 metres beginners Backstroke, kick, kick, kick, pull – aided.
- Swim Superman 10 metres, face in the water, blowing bubbles for 5 counts – unaided.
- Push from out the pool into front Speedboat with sinker, face in water for 5 counts blowing bubbles, roll onto back to breath.
- Push from out the pool into front Speedboat with sinker, 10 metres, roll into back Speedboat to breath- aided.
- Exit the water safely, doing hands, elbows, knees – unaided if possible.
Stage 2 Requirements
- Jump in from poolside, turn around and grab the wall – unaided.
- Star fish float on back-front-back for 5 counts, pushing from wall – unaided.
- Star fish float on front-back-front for 5 counts, pushing from wall – unaided.
- Swim 10 metres on back, arms by side – unaided.
- Swim back Speedboat – unaided, with board/sinker if preferred.
- Swim 15 metres Backstroke – unaided.
- Swim Superman from inside the pool, face in the water for 5 counts – unaided.
- Swim front Pillow exercise for 10 metres, face in for 5 counts – aided.
- Swim 10 metres front Speedboat, breathing on back- unaided, can use a sinker if preferred.
- Swim 10 metres Front Crawl, breathing on back – aided.
- Swim basic Butterfly wiggles – 3 metres.
- Perform a sitting dive, to teacher/wall. Swim front SB/FC to wall/step.
Stage 3 | 15 Metres
Stage 3
15m Distance Requirements
- Climb into pool safely, roll over and slide in slowly – unaided.
- Climb out the pool safely, hands, elbows, knees – unaided.
- Swim front Pillow 10 metres, face in the water 5 counts – aided.
- Swim on side 10 metres, with board – aided.
- Swim front Speedboat 6 counts, into back Speedboat 6 counts – aided.
- Swim Front Crawl 10 metres with board, breathing on every 3 arms – aided.
- Swim Front Crawl 3-5 metres to step/wall, unaided.
- Swim 10 metres back Speedboat, with sinker, unaided.
- Swim 15 metres Backstroke without kick, kick, kick, pull.
- Answer correctly 3 questions on the Water Safety Code.
- Sitting dive to the floor to pick up sinker, then front Speedboat to the step – aided.
- Swim Bubble, Bubble, Breath, with board, aided.
Stage 3 Requirements
- Swim front Pillow 10 metres, face in the water 5 counts – unaided.
- Swim on side 10 metres, with board – unaided.
- Strong front and back push & glides.
- Swim front Speedboat 6 counts into back Speedboat 6 counts, with sinker – unaided.
- Swim Front Crawl 10 metres with sinker, breathing on every 3 arms – preferably unaided.
- Swim 20 metres back Speedboat unaided.
- Swim strong Backstroke 15 metres.
- Swim 10 metres basic Breaststroke kick on back with board – aided.
- Swim 10 metres basic Breaststroke kick on front with board – aided.
- Swim basic Butterfly wiggles 5 metres, to wall.
- Sitting dive to the floor to pick up sinker, then Front Crawl/wiggles to wall – unaided.
Stages 4-10
Stage 4 | 20/25 Metres
Stage 4
Swimmers wear a green cap and progress from 20m, to 25m and then Stage 4 requirements. Click on the badge to view each set.
20M Distance Requirements
- Demonstrate an understanding of buoyancy.
- Perform a tuck/mushroom float for 10 counts, shouting loudly through mouth only, chin on knees.
- Perform a sequence of changing shapes (minimum of 3) whilst floating flat at the surface.
- Push and glide from the wall to the pool floor.
- Kick 10 metres Backstroke.
- Kick 20 metres Front Crawl with basic breathing to the side, with board if needed.
- Kick 10 metres Butterfly on the front or on the back.
- Kick 10 metres Breaststroke on the back, with board if needed.
- Kick 10 metres basic Breaststroke on the front.
- Perform on the back a head first sculling action for 5 metres in a horizontal position.
- Travel on the back and roll in one continuous movement onto the front (back SB into front SB).
- Travel on the front and roll in one continuous movement onto the back (front SB into back SB).
- Swim 10 metres, choice of stroke is optional.
- Swim 20 metres, Front Crawl or Backstroke, with proper push & glides.
25M Distance Requirements
- Swim 25m Front Crawl, with high elbow, with board.
- Butterfly wiggles to be done with arms up, breathing on every 4.
- Butterfly wiggles to be done with breaststroke arms and breathing.
- Breaststroke kick to be done confidently on back with/without aids.
- Drop & glides and push & glides to be done well.
- Go into tuck float, chin on knees, shouting loudly through mouth only (bubbles) for 2 counts, then teacher to perform Roley poley. See if child can do it independently, from push & glide from wall.
- Races with sitting dives, 10 metres, 3 different strokes.
- Swim 25 metres Front Crawl or Backstroke, with proper push & glides.
- Swim Breaststroke kick on front, 10 metres, with board and proper breathing.
- Child to show full sequence of Breaststroke from push & glide. First: they have to push & glide from wall for 3 counts, then pull, breath and push into Speedboat arms. Return to wall. Second: Repeat first bit, then when arms are in Speedboat arms, kick and snap legs. Arms must remain in Speedboat arrow.
Stage 4 Requirements
- Swim 25 metres Front Crawl, breathing on every 3 arms, with high elbow
- Swim 25 metres strong Backstroke, with happy thumb, sad thumb.
- Basic Butterfly wiggles, with arms up, breathing on every 4, 20 metres.
- Swim Breaststroke 25 metres, with proper start: push & glide 1,2,3, pull 1,2,3, kick 1,2,3 (with proper arrow arms).
- All strokes with proper push & glides.
- Confident somersault from push & glide.
- Races in all strokes with sitting dives or push and glides.
- Swim 30 metres in Front Crawl or Backstroke, with proper push & glides.
- Scull head first for 10 metres, then feet first for 5 metres.
Stage 5 | 50/100 Metres
Stage 5
Swimmers wear a light blue cap and they progress from 50m, to 100m and then to earn their Stage 5 certificate. Click each badge to view the set requirements.
50M Distance Requirements
- Tread water for 30 seconds.
- Perform 3 different shaped jumps into deep water.
- Perform a proper Backstroke start from wall into Back Speedboat, 1 arm down, pull, then other arm down.
- Swim proper Backstroke 50 metres, happy thrum sad thumb, pinky into water. Must swim proper stroke in all exercises.
- Swim 50 metres Front Crawl, with proper starts and finishes. To perform a somersault/roley poley at each wall.
- Perform a proper Breaststroke start, with side push & glide off wall, pull 1,2,3, kick 1,2,3, glide 1,2,3.
- Swim 20 metres Butterfly basic stroke, with proper starts and finishes, touching 2 hands simultaneously on each wall.
- Perform a handstand and hold for a minimum of 3 seconds.
- Perform a forward somersault, from push & glide.
- Swim front Speedboat from 1.5 metres away to wall and perform a somersault/roley poley and push off into a back Speedboat.
- Swim 50 metres in Front Crawl or Backstroke, showing proper starts, turns and finishes.
- Race 10 metres in Front Crawl, Backstroke or Breaststroke with proper starts and finishes.
- Swim 20 metres Front Crawl 3 arms, into Backstroke 3 arms, repeat.
- Swim on side, with sinker, 20 metres.
100M Distance Requirements
- Perform a horizontal stationary scull on the back.
- Perform feet first sculling action for 10 metres whilst horizontal on the back.
- Perform a sculling sequence with a partner for 30-45 seconds to include a rotation.
- Perform a sequence swim of 3 different strokes, swimming 30 metres, with proper turns.
- Swim 100 metres in Front Crawl or Backstroke, showing proper starts, turns and finishes. Stroke is to be streamlined, showing good technique.
- Race 20 metres in Front Crawl, Backstroke or Breaststroke with proper starts, turns and finishes.
- Perform a proper Front Crawl start with push & glide into 3 wiggles.
- Swim 30 metres Backstroke, with proper starts and finishes. To perform a somersault/roley poley at each wall.
- Swim 30 metres Breaststroke, with proper starts and finishes, touching 2 hands simultaneously on each wall.
- Demonstrate an action for getting help.
Stage 5 Requirements
- Swim 25 metres in Front Crawl, Backstroke, and Breaststroke showing proper starts, turns and finishes.
- Swim 20 metres in Butterfly, showing proper starts, turns and finishes.
- Sequence swim 100 metres with various exercises and strokes, showing correct push & glides.
- Tread water for 30 seconds, waving 1 hand, then the other.
- Race 25 metres in Front Crawl, Backstroke or Breaststroke with proper starts, turns and finishes.
- Feet first scull 10 metres, with somersault, then head first scull 10 metres, then surface dive to floor to pick up sinker.
- Drop & glide, then swim 10 metres under water as far as possible with one breath.
- Swim back rolling exercise 20 metres, chin to ceiling, 6 counts, then roll.
- Swim 10 metres Front Crawl arms only, using pull buoy.
- Swim 20 metres Front Crawl with fins.
Stage 6 | 150/200 Metres
Stage 6 
Swimmers in stage 6 wear a dark blue swimming cap and work towards achieving their 150m distance, 200m distance and then their Stage 6 certificates. Please click the badges below to view their set requirements.
150M Distance Requirements
- Demonstrate an understanding of preparation for exercise.
- Drop & glide, push off on side from the wall, glide, kick, and rotate into Backstroke.
- Drop & glide, push off on side from the wall, glide, kick and rotate into Front Crawl.
- Swim 25 metres with clothes on.
- Swim Front Crawl to include at least six rhythmical breaths.
- Swim Backstroke to include at least six rhythmical breaths.
- Swim Butterfly to include at least six rhythmical breaths.
- Swim underwater Butterfly wiggles as far as they can.
- Swim Breaststroke to include at least six rhythmical breaths.
- Swim 150 metres Front Crawl or Backstroke, with proper starts, turns and finishes.
- Swim 50 metres Butterfly wiggles with fins on, showing good technique.
- Swim 50 metres Backstroke with pull buoy.
200M Distance Requirements
- Swim Front Crawl 25 metres, counting rhythmical breaths, with help of floor markers.
- Swim Backstroke 25 metres, counting arms to wall touch with help of flag or markers.
- Swim Breaststroke 25 metres, counting rhythmical breaths, with help of floor markers.
- Swim Butterfly 15 metres, counting rhythmical breaths, with help of floor markers.
- Perform a “shout and signal” rescue.
- Perform a surface dive to 1.5 metres.
- Exit from the water without using steps.
- Swim 200 metres Front Crawl or Backstroke, with proper starts, turns and finishes.
- Swim 50 metres Front Crawl arms only, using pull buoy.
- Swim 50 metres Front Crawl and Backstroke with fins on, with tumble turn if possible.
Stage 6 Requirements
- Swim 75 metres with good technique, Front Crawl, Backstroke and Breaststroke.
- Perform a proper Front Crawl tumble turn, pushing into a front glide.
- Perform a proper Backstroke turn into tumble turn, pushing into a back glide.
- Perform a proper Breaststroke turn into a front push & glide.
- Perform a proper Butterfly start, wiggling for 3 metres.
- Swim 200 metres Front Crawl or Backstroke, with proper starts, turns and finishes.
- Perform a kneeling dive.
- Swim 100 metres with fins, 50 metres Front Crawl, 25 metres Backstroke, 25 metres Butterfly wiggles.
- Swim 50 metres with pull buoy, 25 metres Front Crawl arms only, 25 metres Backstroke arms only.
Stage 7 | 250/300 Metres
Stage 7 
Swimmers in Stage 7 wear an indigo swimming cap and they tackle 250m distance, 300m distance and then Stage 7 set requirements. Tap each badge below to view the related list.
250M Distance Requirements
- Swim 25 metres Backstroke, with Backstroke dive.
- Swim 25 meters Freestyle, using track dive and 3 metres wiggles.
- Swim 25 meters Breaststroke, using a track dive and correct Breaststroke start.
- Swim 25 meters Butterfly, using track drive, wiggle for 3 metres.
- Perform a movement sequence of 1-minute duration, in a group of 3 or more, incorporating a number of the following skills: Sculling, Rotation, Floating, Eggbeater.
- Swim 250 meters continuously using Freestyle or Backstroke, showing good technique, starts, turns and finishes.
- Swim 100 meters, using a minimum of three different strokes. Use correct starts, turns and finishes.
- Tread water using eggbeater action for 30 seconds.
- Complete an obstacle course (using a minimum of 4 objects) with feet off the bottom throughout.
300M Distance Requirements
- Swim 50 meters Freestyle, counting rhythmical breaths, with help of floor markers.
- Swim 50 meters Backstroke, counting arms to wall, touch with help of flags or markers.
- Swim 50 meters Breaststroke, counting rhythmical breaths with help of floor markers.
- Swim 25 metres Butterfly, counting rhythmical breaths with help of floor markers.
- Perform a track dive into SL wiggles for at least 5 metres.
- Treading water for 1 minute using either egg beater, Breaststroke or scissor legs.
- Swim 75 meters with pull buoy: 25 metres Freestyle, 25 meters Backstroke and 25 metres Breaststroke.
- Swim 75 meters with fins: 25 meters Freestyle, 25 meters Backstroke and 25 metres Butterfly kick.
- 100 metres Individual Medley (IM): Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle, using correct starts, turns and finishes.
Stage 7 Requirements
- Swim 100 meters Freestyle using track dive entry, 5 second rest between each length.
- Introduce basic lifesaving skills – reach and rescue and lifesaving Backstroke.
- Swim 100 meters Backstroke with correct dive and glide.
- Swim a 200 metres IM, incorporating all 4 strokes. Using correct starts, turns and finishes.
- Scull feet first for 12.5 metres, somersault, then scull head first for 12.5 metres.
- Using fins perform a drop & glide and swim front Speedboat as far as you can.
- Using fins perform a drop & glide and swim front Butterfly kick as far as you can.
- Perform a track dive to the floor in the deep end.
Stage 8 | 400/500 Metres
Stage 8
Stage 8 swimmers wear a lilac-coloured cap as they progress towards 400m distance, 500m distance and Stage 8 certificates. Please click the badges below to read the set requirements.
400M Distance Requirements
- Complete a set lasting 200m – 400m, using 2 different strokes.
- Swim 200 metres Freestyle, focussing on BLAPT (Breathing, Legs, Arms, Positioning and Timing)- 25 metres breathing on 3, 25 metres breathing on 5, 25 metres left arm up, kicking on side, 25 metres right arm up, kicking on side, 25 metres left arm pull shoulder catch up, 25 metres right arm pull shoulder catch up, 50 metres Freestyle SL. To be read from white board.
- Swim a pace clock set – 25 metres Freestyle arms with pull buoy, 5 second rest, 50 metres Freestyle 60%, 5 second rest, 25 metres left arm up swim on side, 5 second rest, 25 metres right arm up swim on side, 10 second rest, 25 metres Freestyle sprint (100%).
- Swim 100 metres Breaststroke set of 2 x (25 metres 2 kick stroke, 25 metres full stroke).
- Kick 25m Butterfly kick on back, arms in Speedboat position.
- Drop & glide, then swim 25 metres underwater any kick.
- Perform a Backstroke turn from 10m in to 15m out.
- Perform a Breaststroke turn from 10m in to 15m out.
- Perform a Butterfly turn from 10m in to 15m out.
- Perform a Freestyle turn from 10m in to 15m out.
- Swim 400 metres Freestyle or Backstroke, using correct starts, turns and finishes.
500m Distance Requirements
- Swim 50 metres Backstroke, with Backstroke dive and 3 back wiggles, also including tumble turns.
- Swim 50 meters Freestyle, using track dive and 5 metres wiggles, including in tumble turns.
- Race 25 meters Breaststroke against other swimmers, using a track dive and correct Breaststroke start, proper two hand touch.
- Swim 50 meters Butterfly, using track drive, wiggle for 5 metres and 2 hand touch.
- Perform a movement sequence of 2minute duration, in a group of 3 or more, incorporating a number of the following skills: Sculling, Rotation, Floating, Eggbeater.
- Swim 100 meters timed, continuously using one stroke, in sets of 2 x 50 metres, with a 5 second break.
- Swim 100 meters, using a minimum of three different strokes. Use correct starts, turns and finishes. To be read off a white board.
- Tread water using eggbeater action for 30 seconds.
- Complete an obstacle course (using a minimum of 4 objects) with feet off the bottom throughout.
- Swim 500 metres Freestyle or Backstroke, with correct start, turns and finishes.
Stage 8 Requirements
- Swim 200 metres endurance set, using 3 different strokes, swimming 2 sets 1x 50 metres,1x 25metres, 25 metres, varying strokes between each change.
- Perform basic lifesaving skills – tread water 60 seconds waving both arms in the air, rotate 360 degrees at least once.
- Swim 100 metres relays race I.M against other swimmers.
- Using fins and board, swim 50 metres tombstone (board is vertical in the water held on either side), face in water.
- Using pull buoy, swim 50 metres Backstroke arms, with tumble turns, into 50 metres Breaststroke arms, with drop & glides for 3 metres.
- Perform 100 metres timed swim using the white board, 25 metres left arm up swim on side – 5 second rest, 50 metres sprint Freestyle – 10 second rest, 25 metres right arm up swim on side.
Stage 9 | 600/800 Metres
Stage 9 
Stage 9 swimmers wears a silver swim cap and work towards achieveing their 600m distance, 800m distance and Stage 9 certificates. Click the badges below to see the set requirements.
600m Distance Requirements
- Complete a set lasting 600m using pace clock, on a specific times turn around set by coach (e.g. either 12 x 50m on 1:30; 6 x 100m on 2.45; 3 x 200m on 6mins).
- Swim 600m continuously choosing one stroke, using correct starts, turns and finishes.
- Swim a continuous 200m I.M. using legal turns.
- Swim into a FS tumble turn, then perform a 15m underwater kick on front in a streamlined position.
- Perform a BK start then Butterfly kick in a streamlined position underwater until 15m from the wall, transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25m.
- Perform a FS start, underwater kick in a streamlined position until a minimum of 15m from the wall is completed, transfer into stroke and complete remainder of the 25m.
- Perform a BF start, underwater kick in streamlined position until a minimum of 10m from the wall is completed, transfer into stroke before 15m and complete remainder of the 25m.
- Perform a BS start, perform a legal underwater pull and transition stroke, then transfer into full stroke and complete the remainder of the 25m.
- Swim 300m FS, focussing on BLAPT (Breathing, Legs, Arms, Positioning and Timing)- 50m breathing on 3, 50m breathing on 5, 25m left arm up, kicking on side, 25m right arm up, kicking on side, 50m left arm pull shoulder catch up, 50m right arm pull shoulder catch up, 50m FS streamlined. To be read from white board.
800m Distance Requirements
- Swim 150m BK, with BK dive and 3 back wiggles, also including tumble turns.
- Swim 150m FS, using track dive and 5m wiggles, including in tumble turns.
- Race 100m BS against other swimmers, using a track dive and correct BS start, proper two hand touch.
- Swim 75m BF, using track drive, wiggle for 15m and 2 hand touch.
- Perform a movement sequence of 2 minute duration, in a group of 3 or more, incorporating a number of the following skills: Sculling, Rotation, Floating, Eggbeater, finish off with a 25m Freestyle sprint.
- Swim 100m timed, continuously using one stroke, using correct starts, turns and finishes.
- Swim 200m, using all 4 strokes. Use correct starts, turns and finishes. To be read off a white board.
- Tread water using eggbeater action for 60 seconds, waving both arms in the air.
- Do a surface dive from the deep end to retrieve a brick from the bottom, then climb out of pool unaided.
- Swim 800m continuously choosing one stroke, using correct starts, turns and finishes.
Stage 9 Requirements
- Swim 200m timed, continuously using one stroke, in sets of 2 x 100m, with a 10 second break.
- Swim 400m endurance set, using all 4 strokes, swimming 2 sets (1x 50m FS, 1x 25m BF, 1 x 25m BS, 1x 50m BK, 1x 25m Breaststroke, 1 x 25m BF). Use White board.
- Perform basic lifesaving skills – tread water 2 minutes, rotate 360 degrees twice, in last minute wave one arm in the air.
- Swim 200m timed relay Medley FS races against other swimmers, using correct racing start, turns and finishes. Repeat with I.M.
- Race against other swimmers, using fins and kickboard, swim 50m tombstone, face in water, then swim 25m FS sprint.
- Using pull buoy, swim 100m FS arms, with shoulder touch and tumble turns, into 100m BS arms, with drop & glides for 3m.
- Perform 300m pace clock swim using the white board, 100m FS shoulder tap catch up – 10 second rest, 25m sprint FS – 10 second rest, 50m 1 arm alternate FS pull with BF wiggles 10 second rest, 25m BF 10 second rest, 50m split left arm up side wiggles and right arm up side wiggles 5 second rest, 25m back BF wiggles with Speedboat arms 10 second rest, 25m BF sprint.
Stage 10 | 1000/1500 Metres
Stage 10 
Swimmers working towards Stage 10 wear a gold swimming cap and they progress to 1000m distance, 1500m distance and Stage 10 requirements. Please click the badges below to view the set lists.
1000M Distance Requirements
- Complete a set lasting 1600m on a specific time turn around set by coach (e.g. 16 x 100m on 2:30; 8 x 200m on 5:30; 4 x 400m on 12 mins).
- Swim 1500m continuously choosing one stroke.
- Perform a continuous 100m Individual Medley kick without using a kick board.
- Swim a continuous 200m Individual Medley using legal turns.
- Perform a 15m underwater Butterfly kick on back or front in a streamlined position.
- Perform a Freestyle relay take over – as an incoming Swimmer.
- Perform a Freestyle relay take over – as an outgoing Swimmer.
1500M Distance Requirements
- M relay swimming against other swimmers, with 200 medley with all correct turns
- 300m choice of stroke with all correct turns, 200m in 5.5 mins rests included in time use all remaining time to rest x3
- 1500meters 1 stroke
- 12x 50 front kick 12 x 50 pull buoy
- 200 meters lifesaving medley (lifesaving backstroke, sidestroke, head up FC, head up BS)
- 400meters correct turns
Stage 10 Requirements
- Swim 600m timed, continuously using one stroke, in sets of 6x 100m, with a 10 second break.
- Swim 1200m endurance set, using all 4 strokes, swimming 4 sets
- Vertical wiggles with 4 different hand positions
- Swim 400m timed relay Medley FS races against other swimmers, using correct racing start, turns and finishes. Repeat with I.M.
- Race against other swimmers, using fins and kickboard, swim 100m tombstone, face in water, then swim 50m FS sprint.
- Using pull buoy, swim 200m choice of stroke not Breast stroke (choice) arms and tumble turns, into 100m BS with arms, with drop & glides for 3m.
- Perform 500 pace clock swim using the white board, 100m FS shoulder tap catch up 15 second rest, 100m back SB with flippers 15 second rest, 100m butterfly wiggle on back 15 seconds test, 100m swim on side 15 second rest, 50m wiggle kick breathing on one arm, 50m wiggle kick – 3 wiggles double arm breathing
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