Cindy's Swim School London logo
Cindy's Swim School London logo

Reaping the rewards of swimming

The sea, the holiday pool, and even wild water

Kaia and Tau are progressing beautifully through the stages and their learning is being rewarded as they confidently enjoy swimming in differently places.

Holiday water park swimming and fun

Kaia standing on her surfboard

Sibling Fun

Sibling Fun

Sibling Fun Kaia & Tau come together in the pool Both children have gained so much confidence. Their swimming journeys come together in this fun, but structured, pool session showcasing the progess they are making. Front crawl flipping to back crawlMonkey see...

Baby 2 – Tau’s swimming journey autumn update

Baby 2 – Tau’s swimming journey autumn update

Baby Tau's Swimming Journey Autumn 2022 update - 18 months to 2 years Tau has gained confidence over the summer. He is jumping in, turning around and grabbing the wall; pushing off the wall; holding the board and kicking very well. Well done!Adult push baby to wall...

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