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Baby 3 Swimming Journey

18 Months to 2 years

Kaia loves being in water – everywhere from a kitchen sink to a coolbox. She now puts her skills into action in the seas and even on a surfboard!

Daddy trying to steal my stolen cap!

Pick up sinker, push off the step into Speedboat with the sinker

Speedboat with sinker to wall, put it down

Float on back unaided for 5 counts

Safety jump in, into float on her back for 5 counts

Humpty Dumpty nearly all by herself!

Back float…nearly there!

Back float..too excited!

Back float…we did it!

Hands, elbows, knees, jump in the pool, into back float for 5 counts, Kaia did it!

pick up sinker, Speedboat to mommy, then to wall and put sinker out – done!

Getting sinker and kicking up unaided..not so easy!

Picking up sinkers no goggles!

Vertical submersion into back float for 5- we did it!!!

Jump into the pool into back float for 5!

Back pillow widths

Underwater swim to Rainbow!

Baby 2 – Tau’s swimming journey autumn update

Baby 2 – Tau’s swimming journey autumn update

Baby Tau's Swimming Journey Autumn 2022 update - 18 months to 2 years Tau has gained confidence over the summer. He is jumping in, turning around and grabbing the wall; pushing off the wall; holding the board and kicking very well. Well done!Adult push baby to wall...

Kaia – Stage 4 autumn update

Kaia – Stage 4 autumn update

Stage 4 Swimming Journey Kaia making wonderful progress in this autumn 2022 update Kaia is now learning all strokes with a proper push & glide as well as learning how to roll from her back to her front and visa versa in one continuous movementBack pillow with...

Reaping the rewards of swimming

Reaping the rewards of swimming

Reaping the rewards of swimming The sea, the holiday pool, and even wild water Kaia and Tau are progressing beautifully through the stages and their learning is being rewarded as they confidently enjoy swimming in differently places.Holiday water park swimming and...

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