Baby Tau’s Swimming Journey
Months 2 to 10
Meet Tau, Cindy & Mark’s son, and watch his progress from first days in the pool through to grabbing the noodle and float for himself!
Submerged push to teacher
The wheels on the bus, practicing our kicking
Pouring water over his face
Tau blowing bubbles
Front floating preparation for submersion
Face submersion on front, Tau to mama
Tau blowing bubbles like a fish!
Twinkle, Twinkle floating
Mama and Tau learning how to monkey walk on the mat
Hands, Elbows, Knees, to build up Tau’s crawling muscles
Learning to hold onto the noodle independently
Twinkle, Twinkle floating, full shoulder support
Twinkle, Twinkle floating, moving from full support to one hand support
Teddy bear, Teddy bear blows bubbles
Baby 2 – Tau’s swimming journey autumn update
Baby Tau's Swimming Journey Autumn 2022 update - 18 months to 2 years Tau has gained confidence over the summer. He is jumping in, turning around and grabbing the wall; pushing off the wall; holding the board and kicking very well. Well done!Adult push baby to wall...
Kaia – Stage 4 autumn update
Stage 4 Swimming Journey Kaia making wonderful progress in this autumn 2022 update Kaia is now learning all strokes with a proper push & glide as well as learning how to roll from her back to her front and visa versa in one continuous movementBack pillow with...
Reaping the rewards of swimming
Reaping the rewards of swimming The sea, the holiday pool, and even wild water Kaia and Tau are progressing beautifully through the stages and their learning is being rewarded as they confidently enjoy swimming in differently places.Holiday water park swimming and...